Pocket lisp

Simple and configurable generic script language.


Try it!


The following example shows how you can init Pocket lisp with the stdlib:

import { PocketLisp } from 'index.es.js'
import { literals, runtime, utils } from 'stdlib.es.js'
const pocketLisp = new PocketLisp(
    globals: runtime,
    stdout: value => writeOutput(value, false),

const run = async sourceCode => {
  try {
    await pocketLisp.execute(src)
  } catch (e) {
    for (let err of e.errors) {
      const msg = e.type === 'Parser' ? `line: ${err.line} - ${err.message}` : err.message
      writeOutput(msg, true)

run('(print (+ 1 2))')



On NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pocket-lisp

It contains both ES5 and ES6 packages with typescript type definitions


The syntax very similar to the closure script language



The identifier


Keywords are identifiers without value (symbols). They are very useful when you need a map key or other identifier without care about the actual value.


List / Function calls

List a special structure which is very similar to an array, except the first item must be callable (lambda function, or function reference). The rest of the list will be the parameters of the function.






Array like structure


HashMap is set of key value pairs where the key must be unique. For example:{ key1 value1 key2 value2 }

Note: Hashmap must have even number of paramaters


Print value to the standard output. It accepts any amount of parameters.

(print "Hello world")               ; print: "Hello world"
(print 42)                          ; print: 42

Const - const

Wrap a constant value into a function

(print (map (const 1) [1 2 3]))     ; print: [1 1 1]

(def _42 (const 42))
(print (_42))                       ; print: 42

define variable - def

def function can create a new variable in the current scope. The function has 2 parameters:

Define the x variable

(def x 42)
(print x)                           ; print: 42

Lambda function - fn

fn define a lambda function. It has 2 parameters:

(fn [] 42)                          ; 0 parameter lamda function, returns with 42
(fn [] (+ 1 2))                     ; 0 parameter lamda function, returns with 3
(fn [a b] (+ a b))                  ;  
                                    ; function closure
(def add (fn [a] ( fn [b] (+ a b) )))
(def addTo10 (add 10))              ; create reference for the function
(print (addTo10 1))                 ; print: 11

Function shortcut - #()

(def add #(+ %1 %2))
(def addTo10 (add 10))
(print (addTo10 1))                 ; print: 11

Define function - defn

defn function is a shortcut for the often used def and fn combination.

The fallowing two definitions are equivalent:

(def add (fn [a b] (+ a b)))

(defn add [a b] (+ a b))
(print (add 40 2))                  ; print: 42

If function - if

if function has 3 parameters and if the first expression value is true then evaluate and return with the second parameter otherwise does the same with the third parameter

(print (if true 1 2))               ; print: 1

Case function - case

case function fist parameter is the condition value the rest of the parameters are the case branches. Each breach is a list of two items:

(case 42
  ((>= 10)                       (print "Ok"))
  ((#(and (<= 11 %1) (> 50 %1))) (print "Warning"))
  (:else                         (print "Error"))
                                   ; print: "Warning"


Do function - do

do run sequentially all the passed parameters and return with the values of the last expression. It must be called with at least 1 parameter.

(print (do 1 2 42))                 ; print: 42
(defn x [] (do (+ 1 2) 10))

Side effect function - side-effect

Wrap a non-pure function into another function

(print (map (side-effect random) [1 2 3]))  ; print: [0.321, 0.987, 0.451]

It also accepts additional parameters which are passed to the function

(def effect (side-effect print "hello"))
(effect)                            ; print: "hello